STRANGE AND INTERESTING APPLICATIONS – A B-Lift 390 at the San Paolo Stadium in Naples

A 18 ton giant going around in a stadium: it’s not frequent to see! But it happened recently thanks to a rental service of Elevateur (subsidiary of CTE in Naples) to Opus Costruzioni Spa company. They used a B-Lift 390 High Range to solve some problems of practicability in San Paolo Stadium in Fuorigrotta, Naples.

Our platform takes to aerial works the operators for structural repair and rebuild parts of deteriorated concrete. The bad situation of some areas of this construction may cause the disqualification of the stadium in European competition.
Choosing an aerial platform of 40 m of working height has proved successfully. Thanks to a maximum outreach of 26 m, the operators reached easily the affected areas and get back them together in a few hours to allow the practicability of the stadium and the usual dispute of home soccer matches. 

More information about Elevateur:
More details about B-Lift 390 HR: