3,2,1… lights, camera, action with B-Fire!

CTE has realized a video about its B-Fire firefighting and rescue aerial ladder platforms

In less than 3 minutes we could enter and get involved by the world of CTE B-Fire, with a lot of adrenaline and emotion coming from the opportunity to participate “in the first seat” to the operation of these life-saving appliances and fire extinguishing.

In fact, CTE has realized a video to better represent its range of aerial platforms B-Fire, that consists of 6 models of aerial firefighting and rescue platforms (B-Fire) and 6 models of water towers (B-Fire Tower). Both lines offer working heights ranging from 22 to 62 m.

B-Fire range, the protagonist of this video, allows fire-fighting, rescue, recovery and safety operations: in the scenes you will watch the simulation of a rescue stretcher at height, a rescue on a mountain stream, extinguishing of a fire, the use of the ladder and many other features of this product.

The video was made thanks to the precious collaboration of the Italian Fire Fighters Department of Rovereto (TN) and Schio (VI) who have lent their expertise to carry out the activities set out on the video.

Link to the official video: https://www.ctelift.com/en/scheda/piattaforme-aeree-autocarrate-antincendio-b-fire-450_1120.aspx

and to the teaser: http://youtu.be/TBX2gtnlPrE

More info about CTE B-Fire range: http://www.firefightingplatforms.com