To be closed to customers first… In this issue we’ve interviewed the French company Vendée Location Group, with 18 branches in France. We’ve welcomed Mrs Jessica Vincendau and Mr Sylvain Leballeur.


And 18! major player in the rental sector without driver in the Loire Valley and into the Deux-Sèvres, Vendée Rental Group opened its 18th branch in Nantes late February 2016. A symbol for an independent family business that has built its success on strong values, proximity, quality and responsiveness. Theses values are shared by CTE France, which is proud to have been chosen as a partner for truck-mounted platforms. Interview to Jessica Vincendeau, Vendée Rental Group CEO and Sylvain Leballeur, CFO.

Could you please introduce Vendée Location Group ?

Sylvain Leballeur
« Vendée Rental company was founded in 1980 in Les Herbiers in Vendée on a short or long term rental equipment without driver business. With 12 branches in the Vendée, we quickly developed on neighboring departments, to the Deux-Sèvres, the Maine-et-Loire and Loire-Atlantique. The Group Vendée Location was born in 2008 with the acquisition of Lovemat, which was geographically very complementary to us. Last February, we opened our 18th branch in Saint-Herblain in Nantes area under the Lovemat brand. Today, the group employs 110 people and generates turnover of € 20 million »

How is the group positionned, what are your strengths?

Jessica Vincendeau
“Our great strength is to be a family business that was able to grow by keeping its independence and values. We have always an important geographical network to stay close to our customers. With 18 branches at 30 km maximum from each other, we are very present in the field, which also allows us to be competitive on price of transport. Beyond proximity, we also have a strict quality policy, with new equipment, always in very good condition: the average age of 2½ years. Finally, the human aspect always takes precedence here, with our customers, our suppliers and our teams. With 36 years of experience, we have proven our reliability and we defend every day our reputation for integrity and transparency in the relationship. I personally know the first name of all my employees, the quality of the human relationship much account with us. ”

How is the assistance service provided to your customers?

Sylvain Leballeur
“In the great battle of the price that the industry is in right now, we can defend our bias for quality with optimum reactivity and very short response times. For example, we have a big fleet of trucks for deliveries, 2 per agency. It saves time compared to other competitors, because the agencies have their hands on the logistics and can react faster. With a wide range of materials and many agencies that work in synergy, the group makes the difference. And we strive to be attentive to the customers, to work on trust. We rent clean equipment in good condition, well maintained, so there are no surprises. ”

What type of machine do you own?

Jessica Vincendeau
“We are generalists, our offer is very wide with equipment for public works, building, industry … Our fleet is able to respond to all requests, from earthmoving to handling, from compaction to lifting , from concrete to mobile constructions. We work with both local authorities and private companies. It is true that historically public works and elevation are two strengths. ”

How is the trend in the lifting market?

Sylvain Leballeur
“This is a rather dynamic segment and especially for the future because it uses less of scaffolding and ladders. Although prices are not very high, they are materials which we often rent. ”

Tell us about your relationship with CTE France?

Jessica Vincendeau
“On truck-mounted sector CTE France is our exclusive supplier for 2 years, they are on a niche. We looked for the best quality / price ratio, then for sure there are cheaper but the quality is not at the same level. Marcel Bertone, the sales person that takes care of us well following its records, it is good advice, it’s someone who brings solutions. After about equipments, customers are satisfied and for us is what counts. A aerial platform must be versatile on various trades, electrician, carpenter, pruner, cleaning company, façadier … The Vendée Party Rental has renewed its entire fleet of truck-munted platforms with CTE France, 15 trucks in total, 12 of these last years. When talking about modern equipment, these are not just words! ”

Which are your projects, your middle-terme expectations?

Sylvain Leballeur
“The opening of the Nantes agency has been very important for us, we did not create new since about 3 years. It’s hard to find a good location, we intended to establish ourselves on the city and then the opportunity came to St Herblain. An ideal place close to colleagues and important customers. Moreover, before the opening, we had already won the call for tenders of the city for truck-mounted platforms with CTE France! Overall, we favor organic growth because the mindset of the business is essential to us, teams should be in our business culture, customer service and quality! ”

Encadré :
Nouvelle agence LOVEMAT à ST Herblain
Ouverture : 29 février 2016
Equipe : 5 personnes au démarrage
Responsable d’agence : François Collomb
Parc matériel généraliste : BTP, industrie, collectivités, particuliers…
7 rue du Coutelier – ZI 44800 St Herblain