PEOPLE ON THE MARKET: CTE’s Service Center Tecnoalt Srl

This month we’ve interviewed Mr Lorenzo Peppi from the service department of the Italian company Tecnoalt Srl based in Rome.

1. What is your main activity?
We deal with rental, sales and service of aerial work platforms and stairs for removals.

2. When did you start?
Tecnoalt srl was founded in Rome in October 1998.

3. Where do you work?
We operate directly in Lazio, Sardinia and Umbria. We have our head office in Rome, two locations in Sardinia, Cagliari and Sassari, and one in Umbria in Terni.

4. How did your company evolve in these last years?
We started with one head office and 4 employees. Now we have the headquarter, 3 subsidiaries and 26 employees. Our aim is to offer a value for the customer and be landmark in our sector. This constant professional commitment has led us to obtain in 2014 the ISO 9001-2008 certification.

5. How many years have you worked as CTE Service Center?
Always, since the beginning! We belong to CTE Group and in our DNA there has always been its philosophy and history, with successes and know-how.

6. How do you set up your work with CTE?
We are CTE. In our opinion, when customers ask for our services, they should see one and only company. Therefore, the effectiveness of one is reflected in the other and vice versa.

7. What features make CTE platforms winners?
Reliability, robustness, and in one word “productivity”. These are keys features in the rental service, where customers have accurate and timely needs. Therefore, they require machines that are tailored to their needs. In our fleet, the 99% of our platforms are CTE.

8. Do you remember an experience for which the collaboration with CTE favored the successful resolution?
Our daily work is centered on the cooperation with all the CTE after sales team, so for us this is routine reciprocity in dealing with problems of our customers. We are regular trainee of CTE training courses, this year we’ve attended more than 184 hours of training courses!

9. How is the assistance service provided for your customers?
Our workshop is composed of 12 engineers globally with offices and five workshop cars to external interventions. We work with a procedure included in ISO 9001-2008, which provides the taking charge of the problem within 24 hours of the request. After the taking charge of machinery, follows the evaluation of the fault and the estimation of the work.

10. What is your policy regarding your competitors? Do you present to the market an image of company that understands the nature of the competition and that is proactive?
To be in the market, you must necessarily know the game’s rules. And we always participate taking into account our values, our quality and our structure. That’s why we try to be aligned with the needs of customers, with regulations and with the technical innovations. We transform our desire to be competitive and proactive towards the market in equipment, skills, update, and services.

11. What is your “recipe for success” – what values are important in your daily work?
Our company name, in Italian, means TECHNOLOGY AT HEIGHT. This sums up the initial idea of our work: provide to our customers the best performance for its work projects at high altitude. This does not mean only quality but also all that complete the world of work at height, as technical assistance, safety, knowledge of regulations etc … Everything is under constant monitoring and updating, so as to become for our client a 360° partner.


More info about Tecnoalt Srl: