In this issue we’ve interviewed the CTE authorized workshop in Sicily, Sicel Srl.
Mr Alfio Castro has answered our questions.

1. What is your main activity?
Our company, Sicel Srl, deals with rental, sales and service for aerial platforms and lifters.

2. When did you start?
We’ve been working in this sector for 30 years.

3. Where do you work?
We work in the Sicily region and in the province of Reggio Calabria.

4. How did your company evolve in these last years?
We started 30 years ago with sales and service of aerial platforms. Then, 18 years ago, we started with the rental business.

5. How many years do you have the role of Authorized CTE Workshop?
Since the beginning, 30 years ago.

6. How is your relationship with CTE?
We have always had a good relationship with CTE, we are in constant contact with the CTE service offices for upgrades and direct support.

7. What are the peculiarities of the CTE aerial platforms you value on your job?
The CTE product is a high quality product that is distinguished by its technical features.

8. Do you remember an intervention for which collaboration with CTE favored resolution successfully?
Yes, on several times. A specific fact took place a few years ago, when a customer signaled some issues on a platform. After some attempts, we’ve asked for the CTE service manager, Denis Andreolli, who immediately solved the problem by getting to the customer’s headquarter in Sicily. We were grateful for this intervention because we have conveyed to the customer the concept that the parent company is always in the service of the customer.

9. How is the service of your customers organized?
After booking at the workshop, the vehicles are picked up and timely followed for troubleshooting, taking care of the smallest details.

10. What is your policy regarding your competitors? Do you present to the market an image of company that understands the nature of the competition and that is proactive?
We are trying to increase our technical staff by providing them with targeted and qualified trainings to meet all our customers’ requests.

11. What is your “recipe for success” – what values are important in your daily work?
What has always distinguished us is summarized in timeliness, precision and professionalism.

In the picture, from left: Alessandro, Stefano and Alfio Castro – Sicel Srl