The first 3 ecarry units have been delivered, and they will be used to set up the fully electric aerial platforms CTE MP 20 Ev with a working height of 20m: 100% electric, 100% made in Italy, 100% innovative.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action program for people, the planet and prosperity includes 17 objectives that are calling companies to review their approach: limitations on traffic, polluting and noise emissions imply an adjustment increasingly urgent of the tools of work and also aerial working platforms are part of this dutiful change. Municipal companies, greenery maintainers and large rental companies will be the first to experiment with sustainable solutions such as the use of full electric vehicles to cope with operations in inhabited centers or on construction sites with particular needs, or even for interventions at night.
With this objective in mind, Green-G Electric Vehicles and CTE SpA launched, exactly one year ago, the project of the first fully electric truck-mounted platform with a 20 m working height: the working height range most requested by rental companies, which covers the needs of more frequent maintenance, such as public lighting, restoration, lighting, green maintenance, and also for indoor spaces such as large shopping centers or airports. A complex challenge that CTE SpA and Green-G Electric Vehicles have won, arriving at a perfect integration of the CTE platform on the ecarry electric vehicle.
Now, the collaboration is in full swing, and Green-G has just delivered – after the prototype vehicle – the first 3 units to CTE. These first three trucks will be used to be equipped with the full electric MP 20 Ev platform and then be destined for the first European customers.
The Commercial & Marketing Director of CTE SpA Marco Govoni comments: “After the world preview presentation of the prototype at Bauma, dozens of demonstrations and test drives followed for very interested Italian and foreign customers, from Municipal Companies to rental companies, from metropolitan Cities to simple Municipalities. The response has been enthusiastic, the first orders have arrived, and we are letting ourselves be carried away by this innovative and in some ways pioneering spirit. As already stated last year at the birth of the CTE Green Innovation project, we have set ourselves the task of giving our “green” contribution not only in words, but by following concrete actions”.
Roberto Faggin, CTE Green Innovation manager, adds: “Everything started from the idea of being able to create a vehicle equipped with a full electric CTE aerial platform that was able not only to become a green point of reference, but to convey to customers what a solution of this type could be the best solution in relation to consumption, ecology, safety, design, performance, technology. And therefore, in defining what are the needs and functions that full electric equipment should possess, in order to then implement them, making them within everyone’s reach. Now, to ensure that a real ecological transition in the lifting market takes place, we hope for a national plan made up of concrete actions that can stimulate sustainable growth, which guarantee those who buy a vehicle of this type benefits and reductions for having invested in the future, automatically ensuring these vehicles access to areas with traffic restrictions due to polluting and noise emissions such as, for example, in historic centers and pedestrian areas in each municipality”.
Antonio Chiello, Managing Director of Green-G – Electric Vehicles adds: “We are honored that CTE has chosen to collaborate with Green G – Electric Vehicles. Our ecarry is the most avant-garde vehicle in its category, with performance that clearly exceeds the standards. It is a light truck tailor-made for service companies, public bodies and carriers. Companies that operate in metropolises and cities and carry out activities with repetitive, constant itineraries and with numerous start&stops, such as urban hygiene, city logistics and “last mile” deliveries, strategic in the ZTL. The unique performances of ecarry have conquered various European and non-European countries, becoming an indispensable standard.”
A green and silent revolution, signed by CTE and Green-G electric vehicles, which opens up new business opportunities in the aerial platform sector.