CTE delivered a Traccess 135 to the Pakistani Aga Khan Hospital

CTE has recently delivered a track mounted platform Traccess 135 to the Aga Khan Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, the largest and most important hospital of the state that is managed by one of the most comprehensive non-profit health-care systems in the developing world.

The commercial operation occurred thanks to the CTE partnership with Punto Italiano, a company that distribuites CTE platforms in the Pakistani market.

Traccess 135 was purchased to carry out maintenance and cleaning in various Hospital departments where it is needed elevation.

The CTE spider reaches 13 m of working height with an outreach of 6,5 m and a capacity of 200 kg. It’s the most compact machine of its category: 78 cm width x 200 cm height, that allow to cross the doors. The tubes are positioned inside the boom and result to be repaired and then protected, to avoid obstruction and damage. Thanks to the “Z” shape of the boom, the machines has zero tailswing in all working position and is the ideal machine for working in wide spaces and streets.

Please have a look at Traccess 135 video: https://www.ctelift.com/en/scheda/piattaforme-aeree-cingolate-traccess-135_68.aspx

More info on Punto Italiano: www.puntoitaliano.net.pk

More info on Aga Khan Hospital: http://www.agakhanhospitals.org