STRANGE AND INTERESTING APPLICATIONS – Zed 26 J versatility for Bern Canton

CTE delivered an articulated truck-mounted platform to the control streets and bridges Office of Tavannes – Berna (CH).

Thanks to the pluriannual partnership with the Swiss dealer Rosenbauer (, CTE achieved the sale and has delivered one truck-mounted articulated platform ZED 26 J to the Bern Canton, specifically to Streets and bridges’ control Office.

The main applications of this unit will be: street lightning maintenance and bulb replacing, maintenance in tunnels fans and lightning on the Road A16 between Biel and Tavannes, cleaning of rocks, installation of safety-nets in the Berner Jura Region, maintenance of street signalisation, cut trees along the roads in the Berner Jura and Seeland regions.

The platform is installed on MAN 4X4 with two axes 12 tons right hand drive, vertical outriggers in shape, set outriggers from the cabin, toolbox with shutters and a high pressure water line for tunnel works.

ZED 26 J reaches 26 m of working height, 14 m of outreach and 230 kg of loading on the entire working area.