IN THE SPOTLIGHT: stabilisation is variable

Let’s imagine a busy street, also a little bit narrow, and some tasks to do on public lighting maintenance… if you can do that in the night it will be ok, but during the day it could be a hard challenge! Unless you use an aerial platform with variable stabilisation. This can allow you to occupy a small piece of the roads ‘cause you can stabilise the machine only on one side or in shape (narrow).

CTE has B-Lift pro-easy range with variable stabilisation that reaches working heights from 14,6 to 22,5 m. Variable stabilising system consists in the possibility to choose between 4 areas of stabilisation: narrow, large, reduced to the right or reduced to the left. This system allows the operator to stabilise with a single command in small spaces and then to have more advantages compared to other machines with single stabilisation. Specifically, the narrow stabilisation offers the possibility to work in restricted spaces such as for activities to be carried out on roads (public lighting) or in outdoor pruning. With stabilisation reduced to the right or left, the platform allow to operate in the center of the road, or at public areas or condominium and in congested spaces.

CASE HISTORY: has delivered a telescopic aerial platform B-Lift 201 to SRE Engenharia e Construções Ltda ( ), a company from Brasilia (Brazil), thanks to the profitable collaboration with the Brazilian dealer IMAP ( ). The company build and provide maintenance on public illuminations, and Christmas decorations. B-Lift 201 aerial platform reaches 20 m of working height, 9 m of working outreach and 200 kg of capacity. The versatility, the easy o fuse and the reduced dimensions on the street are the focal points that led the company to choose this platform. To optimize the displacements and the operations, the Brazilian company requested some special boxes on the frame, 8 overall, thus obtaining a machine truly tailored to their needs.

CTE has also a ZED articulated model with variable stabilisation: ZED 20.2 HV