MP 32.19

  • Altezza32 m
  • Sbraccio19 m
  • Portata300 kg
  • PTT min7,5 t
  • Dimensioni navicella1800x700x1100 mm
  • Altezza piano calpestio30

• Telescopic boom with 1 extension+telescopic boom with 2 extensions + telescopic jib
• ±180° turret rotation on bearing turntable on the top of the main boom
• Electrohydraulic proportional controls from basket and from ground
• Smooth simultaneous proportional controls with acceleration and deceleration ramps
• Engine start and stop controls from basket and ground
• Automatic engine rpm management
• Anti-slip aluminium flatbed decking
• Basket in aluminium 1800x700x1100 mm
• ±90° hydraulic basket rotation
• Hydraulically actioned basket levelling
• 4 hydraulic outriggers with ground pressure sensors:
rear variable jacking outriggers and front straight narrow jacking outriggers
• Variable jacking system S3 Smart Stability System
• Home function

* outreach and height max values and repeatability can change within ± 3% due to manufacturing variation and working condition.

My inner strenx-small