CTE continues to offer its services

At CTE,  safety of employees and their families is our highest priority.

Following March 9th night communication of the Italian Prime Minister, On. Giuseppe Conte, with an extreme sense of responsibility and dedication to personal and others safety, we have decided to implement all the possible measures in order to follow the directives of the Italian Government to contain and reduce the risk of spreading of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Thanks to an agile way of working, CTE has started a phase of smart-working for its collaborators employed in the offices, while guaranteeing the usual availability and professionalism to customers and suppliers.
Production will not undergo any slowdown as well the shipments of our platforms and spare parts, in Italy and abroad.
All the interactions between drivers and logistic CTE employees will undergo strict rules of safety and spatial separation during loading and unloading of supplies and finished goods.

At this particular moment CTE wishes to provide its contribution to the prevention work, having as its primary objective the protection of its collaborators and people close to them.

We are close to our partners, colleagues, customers and suppliers and we trust that we will return to normal soon.