Zolder Gran Prix, the winner is Luc Moortgat, CTE Belgian dealer

Zolder Grand Prix, Belgium (50 km far from Antwerpen, Flanders), celebrate this is year the 50° anniversary. For this occasion, from June 27th to 30th, it has been organized a Grand Prix with exclusive cars and motorcycles to represent a half of century of cars history.

There were 48 participants, including the winner of Le Mans André Lotterer, and the winner was Luc Moortgat, Belgian dealer of CTE (company Real Verhuur), with a Porsche CTE branded for the Belgian Historic Championship.

Real Verhuur NV is a spin-off of the steel construction company Real Corporation. It deals containers (project and construction), and aerial platforms and earth moving hire and sale.

More info: http://www.real-nv.com/