APF 2018
Our branch CTE UK will participate to the next edition of APF Exhibition UK that will be held in Ragley Estate from September 20th to 22nd. This is the largest UK arborist show.
Continued ›Our branch CTE UK will participate to the next edition of APF Exhibition UK that will be held in Ragley Estate from September 20th to 22nd. This is the largest UK arborist show.
Continued ›We’ll participate through our dealer FRANCE ELEVATEUR DEUTSCHLAND at the next Platformers Days in Hohenroda (D) on September 14th and 15th. For more information: http://www.platformers-days.de/
Continued ›Our German dealer Bartels will participate at Nord Bau exhibition in Neumünster in Germany from September 5th to 9th. On display there will be our stairclimber Pianoplan. More info about the exhibition: https://nordbau.de/en.html
Continued ›Our Swiss dealer Skyworker Trade Ag will participate at the Öga Exhibition in Koppingen (Svizzera) from June 27 to 29, 2018. More info: https://www.oega.ch/de
Continued ›Our German Dealer FRANCE ELEVATEUR DEUTSCHLAND will participate at the INNOVATIONS TAG – BORN TO LIFT exhibition on Friday, June 22nd in Fulda (D). For more information: http://www.borntolift.de/#innotag
Continued ›Our branch CTE UK will participate at the next Vertikal Days in Donington Park UK (Leicestershire) on May 16th and 17th. Stand: 108 We’ll wait for you!
Continued ›We’ll participate to GIS EXPO 2017 in Piacenza (Italy) from October 5th to 7th. We’ll have a booth shared with Genie. Booth: outdoor area F14-H7.
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