CTE, towards a new era

During the last Sales Workshop, CTE presented the new Company Strategic Development Plan

Last week, on March 17th and 18th, CTE held a Sales Workshop for the internal sales force named “Towards a new era” and presented the new Strategic Development Plan for the next years. The ownership of CTE presented a new Organization that provides a more modern structure and model to address the new ambitious challenges that the company will face in the future.

A new organization chart was then illustrated which shows the subdivision into two macro-areas, the one in charge of developing strategic / commercial expansion activities under the direction of Marco Govoni, with the role of Vicepresident Sales and Marketing Director, and the other in charge of Operation, under the direction of Matteo Bonfiglioli, with the role of Vicepresident Operation Direction, with the fundamental objective of completely reviewing the business processes and the industrial organization with its dynamics, seeking maximum efficiency and quality.

Lorenzo Cipriani, CTE founder and executive Vice President, declares: “In the last two years the world has undergone a sea change. Before the pandemic and then the crisis in international relations (also due to the well-known events in Europe), the rules of the game are changing. Hence the desire to review our organization through a more current production process and a more efficient company structure, to be in line with the new challenges that the current market requires (smarter products and services, flexibility, adaptations to new online needs with the megatrends in which we will all be involved). The new Business Plan and the new organization were born from these arguments and will be the tools that, I am sure, will lead us in the coming years to reach the defined objectives and to become more and more a point of reference in the lifting market”.